Town of Newbury
Board of Fire Engineers Meeting
February 17, 2015
(The following minutes were voted and accepted at the March 16, 2015 meeting)
The monthly meeting of the Town of Newbury Board of Fire Engineers was called to order by Chief William Pearson at 19:10 hours at the Byfield Station with the following members present: William Pearson, Douglas Janvrin, Jr., Wallace Ziehler, Timothy Wareham, Terrence Martin, Justin Webb, Robert Dash, Nate Walker, and Douglas Packer.
Chief Pearson requested a moment of silence for recently deceased Selectman and former member of the Board of Fire Engineers Michael Bulgaris.
Chief Pearson states that he is retiring as the Fire Chief of the Town of Newbury, effective immediately.
Douglas Janvrin, Jr. was nominated for the position of Fire Chief by Robert Dash and 2nd by Terrence Martin. Mr. Janvrin declined the nomination.
Wallace Ziehler was nominated for the position of Fire Chief by Robert Dash and 2nd by Douglas Janvrin, Jr. Mr. Ziehler declined the nomination.
Nathan Walker was nominated for the position of Fire Chief by Justin Webb and 2nd by Terrence Martin.
A vote was then taken. Nathan Walker was elected to the position of Fire Chief by a unanimous vote of the Board. The meeting was then turned over to incoming Chief Nathan Walker.
Chief Pearson was thanked for his many years of service to the Fire Department and to the Town of Newbury.
Deputy Janvrin states that the hydrants are all cleared in Byfield. Possibly bringing in the National Guard to clear hydrants on Plum Island was discussed.
The new lease agreement invoice format was discussed. Chief Walker will review the format and make any necessary corrections.
Deputy Ziehler and Deputy Janvrin met with Town Administrator Blais and Town Accountant DeVeau to submit the budget. The changes were noted.
The need for developing job descriptions for officers was discussed. Douglas Packer will investigate templates and bring ideas to the next meeting.
The VFIS Insurance policy will be rebid this year.
Capital improvement planning for the future was discussed - ideas of what we need going forward for the future.
Training will be at the Byfield Station on Monday night at 6:30 pm. Air packs and gear will be the subject.
Chief Walker requested a 10 year replacement schedule of all equipment and apparatus.
The upcoming lease agreements were discussed. It was decided to hold a meeting of both Companies on Monday in lieu of the training to discuss the agreements. The meeting will be at the Newbury Station at 7:00 pm. FF David Stracher addressed the Board and requested copies of the proposed lease agreement for viewing prior to the meeting. Deputy Janvrin will send out copies via email.
Deputy Janvrin requested coverage for the Byfield Station on Thursday and Friday so that members can attend funeral services for Michael Bulgaris. Deputy Ziehler states that Engine 9 is scheduled to go to Seabrook Truck tomorrow for brake repair.
Chief Walker spoke on his plans for the future of the Department.
Deputy Janvrin states that the comments for the proposed storage facility on Sled Road were submitted to the Planning Board.
Motion made by Wallace Ziehler and 2nd by Terrence Martin that the Board of Fire Engineers expense account pick up the expense for edispatches as a secondary notification system. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion made by William Pearson and 2nd by Robert Dash to adjourn at 20:40 hours. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Douglas Janvrin, Jr.
Board of Fire Engineers